
With our range of free ebooks you can continue your journey of self development and inspiration.Some of these books were written centuries ago yet their messages still hold true in today's modern world. You will require Acrobat Reader to view these books.

Think and Grow Rich Pt1 (Napoleon Hill) - Think and Grow Rich is a classic motivational book. Written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by Andrew Carnegie, it was published in 1937 at the end of the Great Depression. At Carnegie's bidding, Hill studied the characteristics of these great achievers and developed fifteen "laws" intended to be applied by anybody to achieve success. Think and Grow Rich itself condenses these laws further and provides the reader with 13 principles in the form of a philosophy of personal achievement.

Think and Grow Rich Pt2 (Napoleon Hill) - part 2

13 Secrets (Napoleon Hill) - This is a condensed version of the 13 secrets of creating a successful life from Think and Grow Rich.

Acres of Diamonds (Russell H. Conwell) - The lecture delivered thousands of times around the world on creating a successful life for yourself with the resources you have.

The Gateway of Understanding (Carl Wickland) - An investigation of existence beyond life, from the input of religions to the journey of the soul.

As a Man Thinketh (James Allen) - A look at just how powerful our thoughts can be. Affecting everything from character and health to circumstances and achievements, our thoughts shape our world for good or ill.

With Folded Wings (Stewart White)

Leaves of Grass (Walt Whitman)

Letter from the Birmingham Jail (Martin Luther King Jr.) - A letter written during his internment.

I have a Dream (Martin Luther King Jr.) - The transcript of his most famous speech.

3 Dimensions of a Complete Life (Martin Luther King Jr.) - A transcript of one of his sermons.

The Bhagavad Gita - literally, "the song of the blessed one;" one of the three fundamental texts of Hindu faith. It centers upon the moral dilemma faced by Arjuna as he prepares to go into battle against his own relatives. He engages in a philosophical dialogue with Krishna, who teaches him about the nature of Karma Yoga: to execute one's duty responsibly (process) but without focusing on the fruits or results (goals).

Manual of Zen Buddhism (Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki)

Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramhansa Yogananda)

The Science of Breath (Yogi Ramacharaka)

Yogi Philosophy (Yogi Ramacharaka)